ClickHelp User Manual

Hide Content From the Printed Manual

This topic will show you how to hide any content in printed output using a particular CSS class in ClickHelp-generated files and when printing the page through the browser functionality.

  1. When editing the topic, select the element you want to hide and apply the nonPrintable class to it using the Apply CSS drop-down box on the editor's ribbon:
    The nonPrintable class in the Apply CSS drop-down box
Some elements have the nonPrintable class by default — for example, the Copy Code button in the Code Sample element.

That's right — applying the CSS class is all you have to do. As a result, all elements with the nonPrintable class applied will be absent in the following outputs:

  • The printed output you generate in ClickHelp from your projects and publications — PDF, DOC, and DOCX.
  • The printed output your authors get when they hit the Print this topic button from the Contributor Interface:The Print this topic button in the Authors Interface
  • The printed output your readers get when they hit the Print this topic button from the Reader Interface:The Print this topic button in the Reader Interface

That's possible because each project's default Style.css and PrintedDoc.css files come with the following rules:

/* Style.css rule */
@media print
display: none;

/* PrintedDoc.css rule */

Add these rules to the corresponding files if you're using custom style files.