ClickHelp User Manual

Printed Formats Export Specifics

ClickHelp supports several printed formats, including PDF, MS Word, and RTF, providing you with flexibility in choosing the format that best meets your documentation requirements. Your printed documentation can be customized to enhance its appearance and effectiveness. In ClickHelp it's easy, and you can do it in various ways:

  • To make the printed version look nicer, you can use Printed Output settings. Thanks to this feature, you are free to choose from a number of options to change the font of Headings (font-family, font-style, font-size, color), their alignment, etc. 
  • ClickHelp supports exporting documentation using a Word template. It allows setting up multiple things, for example, the paper size, margins, header, footer, page background, cover page, TOC style, adding pages before and after topics.
  • You can easily style the topic content by using CSS files and inline styles.
Note that only JPG and PNG images are supported in printed formats. SVG images are not supported.

As you can create online and printed documentation in ClickHelp, you should keep in mind that these two formats differ from each other because they render in a different way. That's why there are some specifics which you should pay attention to when you export a document. From these topics, you'll learn the limitations and specifics of printed formats: