ClickHelp User Manual

Page Breaks

ClickHelp allows creating printed versions of your online user manuals. Printed documentation has its own peculiarities that can be configured in ClickHelp . One of these things is a page break . A page break means that a topic will start from a new page.

There are two ways to configure page breaks in the printed output:

Page Breaks in Topic Properties

You can set up page breaks in a topic via topic properties. For this, go to:

Topic properties → Printed Output → Start from new page

Start from new page checkboxes in the Printed output section in the topic properties

If this setting is checked like on the screenshot above, the topic is going to form a page break - to start from a new page.

Page Breaks in CSS

Page breaks can be also configured via CSS. There are several CSS rules for this.

  • page-break-before: always
    This style can be applied to block elements, like paragraphs or headings. Here is an example:
    <h2 style="page-break-before: always">Section 2</h2>
    For tables, you will need to wrap the contents of the first cell in a div with the page-break-before: always property to make this work.
  • page-break-after: always
    Not yet supported by the document generation component ClickHelp uses.
  • page-break-inside: avoid
    Works only for paragraphs so they are not split into two pages if possible. Here is an example:
    <p style="page-break-inside: avoid">This is a text paragraph that should not be split in two pages</p>