ClickHelp User Manual

Sandbox Portal

ClickHelp Sandbox is a paid add-on that allows having an additional sandbox portal with the same subscription level, for purposes of integration development, styles and branding development, customization, and experiments — everything that you should probably avoid doing on the production portal just in case it may affect your live documentation.

According to the Sandbox Add-On rules, this additional portal should not be used for actual content development or delivery - this is only a sandbox environment for experiments and integrations. 

Although the Sandbox portal is almost a complete copy of your live portal, there are certain differences. When the Sandbox portal is created, several things happen:

  • Domain Mapping settings get reset
  • Google Analytics gets turned off
  • Indexing gets disabled in robots.txt
  • "Login with" option is switched to "ClickHelp Login" in SSO settings

Sync Sandbox with the Production portal

To synchronize Sandbox with the production portal, simply create a support case requesting the sync. The Ops Team will do a full refresh within 24 hours — all data, settings, user accounts, and everything else will be copied to your Sandbox environment.