ClickHelp User Manual

Sync Docs With Updated API Definition

As your software evolves, so does your API. API definitions are constantly updated, and your documentation reference must follow. Since API topics are auto-topics, the process is the same as for Updating Auto-topics.

  1. Open one of your API topics or a Mount Point.
  2. Click the Update button in the TOC node hover menu or at the top bar of the Topic Editor screen.
  3. Specify the path to the new version of the OpenAPI/Swagger definition file or drag and drop the file from your computer. Alternatively, you can specify the URL to the file. 
    The file should be publicly available and not password-protected. 
  4. Wait until ClickHelp processes the file.
  5. Click Finish to complete the update process.

That's it – the API documentation is up to date!