ClickHelp User Manual

Translate Portal and Project Settings

There are several places in the portal and project settings where you can specify text like Logo tooltip or Global footer. In this topic, you will learn to translate this content.

  1. Open Translator Dashboard.
  2. Filter the results to display only Settings translation documents.
    Filter the translation documents to display settings ones
    1. Click the Filter by input and click into the appropriate language label to filter by specific language.
      Click into the language label to filter by specific language
      You can skip filtering steps b and c by typing the full name of the document: Portal Settings or Project Settings.
    2. Click the filter button near the Name column title and switch the filtering method to Contains.
      Switch the filtering by clicking the filter button in the column header
    3. Type "settings" into the Name filter box. 
      You should end up with a single Portal Settings document and one or several Project Settings documents depending on the number of projects and their Master Page setup.
  3. Open the document and translate it with the Translation Editor. The settings items are labeled to help you easily identify them.
    Application footer content label in the Translation Editor

That's it! The translated items will be available in the corresponding language version of your portal.