Email Notification Templates
Email notification templates are HTML files with predefined markup used to generate the subject text and the body content of the notification message that the system sends to your Contributors and Power Readers upon various events described below. You can learn how to customize email notification templates here: Email Notification Templates Customization.
Email notification template files are located in the /Storage/Templates/Emails folder, and their names look like this: CreateUserTemplate.en-US.html.
The List of Email Notification Template Files
Here you'll find a description of all email notification template files with lists of placeholders used in them.
Email notification template file
Placeholders for the <head> tag | Placeholders for the <body> tag |
Sent when the assignee of a single topic is changed |
ArticleAssignedToMultiChangeTemplate.en-US.html |
Sent when the assignee of multiple topics is changed
ArticleAssignedToMultiChangeToSomeoneTemplate.en-US.html | Sent to topic watchers when the assignee of multiple topics is changed | {{TOPIC_COUNT}}, {{TOPIC_ASSIGNED_TO_USER_PROFILE_NAME}} | {{TOPIC_COUNT}}, {{TOPIC_ASSIGNED_TO_USER_PROFILE_HTML}}, {{PROJECT_URL}}, {{PROJECT_NAME}}, {{MODIFIED_BY_USER_PROFILE_HTML}}, {{USER_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_URL}} |
ArticleContentChangeExternalTemplate.en-US.html | Sent to Power Readers who are subscribed to topic updates when topic content or title is changed | {{TOPIC_TITLE}} | {{TOPIC_URL}}, {{TOPIC_TITLE}}, {{PROJECT_URL}}, {{PROJECT_NAME}}, {{VIEW_CHANGES_LINK_HTML}}, {{CHANGES_HTML}}, {{STOP_WATCHING_URL}} |
ArticleContentChangeTemplate.en-US.html | Sent to topic watchers and/or assignees when topic content or title is changed | {{TOPIC_TITLE}} | {{TOPIC_URL}}, {{TOPIC_TITLE}}, {{PROJECT_URL}},{{PROJECT_NAME}}, {{TOPIC_STATUS_COLOR}}, {{TOPIC_STATUS}}, {{MODIFIED_BY_USER_PROFILE_HTML}}, {{VIEW_CHANGES_LINK_HTML}}, {{CHANGES_HTML}}, {{TODO_ITEMS_LIST}}, {{USER_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_URL}}, {{PROJECT_OR_PUBLICATION}}, {{STOP_WATCHING_URL}} |
ArticleContentMultiChangeExternalTemplate.en-US.html | Sent to Power Readers who are subscribed to updates of several topics when topics' content is changed simultaneously | — | {{TOPIC_COUNT}}, {{UPDATED_TOPICS_HTML}}, {{PROJECT_URL}}, {{PROJECT_NAME}} |
ArticleContentMultiChangeTemplate.en-US.html | Sent to Contributors who are subscribed to updates of several topics when topics' content is changed simultaneously | {{TOPIC_COUNT}} | {{TOPIC_COUNT}}, {{UPDATED_TOPICS_HTML}}, {{PROJECT_OR_PUBLICATION}}, {{PROJECT_URL}}, {{PROJECT_NAME}}, {{USER_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_URL}} |
, ArticleReviewCommentAddTemplate.en-US.html | Sent when a review comment in a topic is added | {{TOPIC_ID}} | {{SENT_FROM_URL}}, {{TOPIC_TITLE}}, {{TOPIC_URL}}, {{TOPIC_STATUS}}, {{MODIFIED_BY_USER_PROFILE_URL}}, {{COMMENT_HOTSPOT}}, {{COMMENT_DETAILS}}, {{PROJECT_NAME}}, {{PROJECT_URL}}, {{TOPIC_STATUS_COLOR}}, {{ACTION}}, {{TOPIC_URL}}, {{USER_PROFILE_URL}} |
ArticleReviewCommentDeleteTemplate.en-US.html |
Sent when a review comment is deleted in a topic
ArticleReviewCommentResolveTemplate.en-US.html |
Sent when a review comment is resolved in a topic
ArticleStatusChangeTemplate.en-US.html |
Sent when the status of a single topic is changed
ArticleStatusMultiChangeTemplate.en-US.html |
Sent when the status of multiple topics is changed
Sent when a ToDo item is added to a topic
Sent when a ToDo item is deleted for a topic
Sent when a ToDo item is marked as "done" for a topic
ChangePasswordTemplate.en-US.html |
Sent after changing the password from the profile page
CreateUserTemplate.en-US.html |
Sent when a new user is created via API or Contributor UI |
The master template that is used as a base for all other templates
ResetApiKeyTemplate.en-US.html |
Sent when a Contributor resets the API key on their profile page
ResetPasswordConfirmTemplate.en-US.html | Sent when the password is reset from the Forgot Password page | {{USER_FIRST_NAME}} | {{SENT_FROM_URL}}, {{USER_LOGIN}}, {{PASSWORD_RESET_URL}} |
ResetPasswordTemplate.en-US.html |
Sent when the password is reset from a user's profile
Sent when the assignee of a translation document is changed
TransAssignedToChangeToSomeoneTemplate.en-US.html | Sent to translation topic watchers when the translation topic assignee is changed | {{TRANS_ASSIGNED_TO_USER_PROFILE_NAME}},{{TRANS_ID}} | {{TRANS_ASSIGNED_TO_USER_PROFILE_NAME}}, {{TRANS_ID}},{{TRANS_ASSIGNED_TO_USER_PROFILE_HTML}}, {{TRANS_URL}},{{TRANS_NAME}}, {{PROJECT_NAME_HTML}}, {{TRANS_STATUS_COLOR}},{{TRANS_STATUS}}, {{MODIFIED_BY_USER_PROFILE_HTML}}, {{USER_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_URL}} |
TransContentChangeTemplate.en-US.html | Sent to translation topic watchers or the assignee when the topic title or content is changed | {{TRANS_ID}} | {{TRANS_URL}}, {{TRANS_NAME}}, {{PROJECT_NAME_HTML}}, {{TRANS_STATUS_COLOR}}, {{TRANS_STATUS}}, {{MODIFIED_BY_USER_PROFILE_HTML}}, {{VIEW_CHANGES_LINK_HTML}}, {{CHANGES_HTML}}, {{USER_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_URL}} |
Sent when the status of a translation document is changed
The List of Available Placeholders
According to the table above, each email notification template file may have specific placeholders in Mustache format replaced with particular content in the final message. Below, you'll find a complete list of placeholders available with their short descriptions.
Starting from the Amber release (Autumn, 2023), the {{USER_FIRST_NAME}} placeholder is not supported. It is only kept for backward compatibility, |
Placeholder |
Description |
{{ACTION}} | A description of the action performed.
{{API_KEY}} | The generated API key | ||||
{{CHANGES_HTML}} | The HTML block with the content differences between the previous and latest topic versions. | ||||
{{COMMENT_HOTSPOT}} | The text content of the review comment | ||||
{{COMMENT_DETAILS}} | More detailed information about the review comment, including the text content of the comment, the link to the profile of a user who made the action, and the date and time of action | ||||
{{CONTENT}} | Used only in the OfficialMasterTemplate.en-US.html file and replaced by the content of the sent notification | ||||
{{MENTIONED_BY_USER_PROFILE_HTML}} | The link to the profile of the user who made the mention. | ||||
{{MENTIONED_BY_USER_PROFILE_NAME}} | The username of the user who made the mention. Can be the user login or the full user name and login if the First/Middle/Last names are specified in the user profile. | ||||
{{MENTION_DETAILS_HTML}} | Additional information about the mention. For Review Comments, it's a comment in which the mention was made. | ||||
{{MODIFIED_BY_USER_PROFILE_URL}} | The link to the profile page of a user who made the changes | ||||
{{MODIFIED_BY_USER_PROFILE_HTML}} | The link to the profile page of a user who made the changes with the avatar picture near it | ||||
{{NEW_PASSWORD}} | The new password for a user | ||||
{{PASSWORD}} | The password for the created user | ||||
{{PASSWORD_RESET_URL}} | The link for the password reset | ||||
{{PROJECT_NAME}} | The name of a project/publication where the changes have been made | ||||
{{PROJECT_NAME_HTML}} | The name of a project/publication where the changes have been made, which comes in the form of the link to the project/publication | ||||
{{PROJECT_OR_PUBLICATION}} | The "Project" or "Publication" word depending on where the changes have been made | ||||
{{PROJECT_URL}} | The link to a project/publication where the changes have been made | ||||
{{SENT_FROM_URL}} | The URL of a portal from which the message is sent | ||||
{{STOP_WATCHING_URL}} | The link to unsubscribe from topic updates | ||||
{{TODO_ITEMS_LIST}} | The ToDo items list for a topic where the changes have been made | ||||
{{TOPIC_ASSIGNED_TO_USER_PROFILE_HTML}} | The link to the new topic assignee profile. | ||||
{{TOPIC_ASSIGNED_TO_USER_PROFILE_NAME}} | The name of the new topic assignee. Can be the user login or the full user name and login if the First/Middle/Last names are specified in the user profile. | ||||
{{TOPIC_COUNT}} | The number of affected topics | ||||
{{TOPIC_ID}} | The ID of a topic where the changes have been made (you can learn about what is topic ID here: Create a Topic | ||||
{{TOPIC_STATUS}} | The workflow status of a topic where the changes have been made | ||||
{{TOPIC_STATUS_COLOR}} | The workflow status color of a topic where the changes have been made | ||||
{{TOPIC_TITLE}} | The title of a topic where the changes have been made | ||||
{{TOPIC_URL}} | The link to a topic where the changes have been made | ||||
{{TRANS_ASSIGNED_TO_USER_PROFILE_HTML}} | The link to the profile of the new translation topic assignee. | ||||
{{TRANS_ASSIGNED_TO_USER_PROFILE_NAME}} | The name of the new translation topic assignee. Can be the user login or the full user name and login if the First/Middle/Last names are specified in the user profile. | ||||
{{TRANS_ID}} | The ID of the translation document where the changes have been made (it will display the name instead of ID in case the translation document is not a topic) | ||||
{{TRANS_NAME}} | The name of the translation document where the changes have been made | ||||
{{TRANS_STATUS}} | Workflow-status of the translation document where the changes have been made | ||||
{{TRANS_STATUS_COLOR}} | Workflow-status color of the translation document where the changes have been made | ||||
{{TRANS_URL}} | The link to the translation document where the changes have been made | ||||
{{UPDATED_TOPICS_HTML}} | The list of topics that were updated, including links to them | ||||
{{USER_FIRST_NAME}} | The first name of a user to whom the message is sent | ||||
{{USER_LOGIN}} | The login of a user to whom the message is sent | ||||
{{USER_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_URL}} | The link to the Email Notifications section of profile settings of a user to whom the message is sent | ||||
{{USER_PROFILE_URL}} | The link to the profile of a user to whom the message is sent | ||||
{{VIEW_CHANGES_LINK_HTML}} | The button that opens the Version Viewer page with the comparison of the latest and the previous topic versions. The button will not appear is the only changes were made in teh topic title. | ||||
{{VIEW_MENTION_LINK_HTML}} | The button that opens the mention. For Review Comments, opens the topic and highlights the review comment. |