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ClickHelp Live Product Training

Master ClickHelp quickly and efficiently! Our experts will get you and your team up and running with live, hands-on training in just a couple of hours, ensuring you’re ready to achieve your goals.
Each module is a 60-90 minute live session dedicated to a certain part of the functionality or different functionalities combined under a single theme.

Module 1: ClickHelp Basics

  • Target audience: All beginner users


The module covers the most basic ClickHelp functionality, such as creating projects, creating and editing help topics, delivering your documentation to readers, and so on — but without diving too deep into the small technical details, providing more of a quick introduction to the functionality. Basic ClickHelp concepts are also highlighted here.

The list of topics covered:

  • Basic concepts. Topics, projects, and publications.
  • The Projects page overview.
  • Creating projects.
  • Creating, editing, and managing help topics.
  • Content reuse and Single-Sourcing.
  • Publishing a user manual.
  • Setting up permissions.
  • Portal settings and reports overview.
  • Context Help.
  • The translation ecosystem.

Module 2: Content Creation

  • Target audience: Writers, Correctors


The module covers the editing functionality, focusing on the Topic Editor features, but also highlighting other possibilities that are useful for authors, such as working with the Table of Contents, previewing the resulting content, etc.

The list of topics covered:

  • Starting a project from scratch or by importing content.
  • Basic editor functionality.
  • Adding images and videos.
  • Adding links (cross-topic, cross-project, smart links, anchors, external web links).
  • Adding ready blocks (Info, Warning, Show More).
  • Navigation elements (Next, Previous, Top, See Also).
  • Working with tables.
  • Previewing the content.
  • Working with the Table of Contents.

Module 3: Content Management

  • Target audience: Projects Managers, Project Leaders, Writers, Correctors


The module can be formally divided into two big parts: project management and topics’ content management. It covers a wide range of functionalities that are good to know for both authoring and managing content.

The list of topics covered:

  • Managing projects on the Projects page.
  • Backing up your projects.
  • Project settings.
  • Working with the File Manager.
  • Tracking down changes in topics. The Version History feature.
  • Tracking down broken links. The Link Viewer feature.
  • Searching content.
  • Index Keywords.
  • Content creation statistics.
  • Global Find and Replace.

Module 4: Single-Sourcing and Dynamic Output

  • Target audience: Projects Managers, Project Leaders, Writers, Correctors


The module covers the main ClickHelp single-sourcing functionalities and describes how to work with the dynamic output. Even though the main users of the features are authors, understanding them is also crucial for team members responsible for publishing.

The list of topics covered:

  • Variables.
  • Content Snippets.
  • Output Tags.
  • Conditional blocks in topic content.
  • Conditional topics in the TOC.
  • Conditional styles and scripts.
  • The Topic Master Page concept. Centralized topic headers and footers.

Module 5: Publishing Online Documentation

  • Target audience: Projects Managers, Project Leaders


The module gives an overview of the publishing process and describes how to restrict access to publications for different user groups. It also covers related ClickHelp areas, such as updating publications, sharing links with readers, and more.

The list of topics covered:

  • The publishing process overview.
  • Publication visibility (Restricted and Private manuals).
  • Updating published documentation. Partial and full update modes.
  • Publication settings.
  • Linking to published documentation.
  • Searching content.
  • Notifications for readers.
  • Viewing reader statistics and gathering reader feedback.
  • Context Help.

Module 6: Printed and Downloadable Manuals

  • Target audience: Projects Managers, Project Leaders, Writers, Correctors


The module focuses on creating printed documentation in ClickHelp and covers various areas, such as Export Presets, content preparation, and the generation process itself. So, if you plan to create printed documentation, like PDFs, this module is a must-have for nearly all team members.

It also highlights downloadable alternatives to printed manuals.

The list of topics covered:

  • Creating a downloadable manual.
  • Working with Export Presets. Creation and usage.
  • The MS Word Template approach for the printed docs generation.
  • Preparing content for printed output.
  • Setting up topics for export to printed output.
  • Printed formats export limitations.
  • Downloadable manual — WebHelp.

Module 7: Translation

  • Target audience: Translators


The module gives an overview of the functionality that allows you to translate content and present it to your audience in different languages. The functionality consists of different functional areas combined into a single Translation ecosystem. Translator Workspace, Translation Editor, Machine Translation, and so on — all these areas are covered in this module, which makes it a must-have for translators and others involved in the translation process: translation reviewers, project leaders, etc.

The list of topics covered:

  • Translation process overview.
  • Working with the Translation Editor.
  • Publishing translations.
  • Working with the Translator Workspace.
  • Translating pages, settings, and metadata.
  • Translating the Home page.
  • Reader UI translation specifics.
  • AI assistance — Machine Translation.

Module 8: Review and Workflow

  • Target audience: Reviewers, Writers, Correctors


The module covers the Review functionality, highlighting the difference between the capabilities of authors and reviewers. The default ClickHelp workflow is also described here.
Since reviewers are not the only ones involved in the review process, the module is also recommended for content authors — writers, and correctors.

The list of topics covered:

  • ClickHelp workflow basics.
  • Working with the Reviewer Workspace.
  • Reviewers’ tools: Review Comments and ToDo lists.
  • Specifics of the Reviewers accounts.
  • Default review workflow overview.
  • Concurrent topic editing.
  • Email notifications.
  • Project readiness statistics.

Module 9: Styling and Branding

  • Target audience: Projects Managers, Project Leaders, Writers


The module describes the main ClickHelp concepts related to the visual components of your portal, including both content appearance and the interface. It explains the difference between the Contributor UI and the Reader UI, as well as styling and branding.

The module is useful for anyone involved in content styling and interface branding activities.

The list of topics covered:

  • Reader UI and Contributor UI difference.
  • Reader Interface settings overview.
  • Changing the look&feel of different reader-facing pages.
  • Working with the portal Home page.
  • Editing the Reader Menu.
  • Source editing mode of the editor.
  • Inline styling and CSS styling specifics.
  • Working with project style files.

Module 10: User and Portal Management

  • Target audience: Administrators, Projects Managers, Project Leaders


The module is dedicated to the administrative aspects of user and portal management.

The list of topics covered:

  • Difference between user types.
  • Working with Contributor and Power Reader accounts.
  • Contributor roles.
  • Combining users into Access Groups.
  • Different authentication methods.
  • Setting up a custom domain name.
  • Integrations. Zapier.
  • Checking subscription data.
  • Security-related features. IP Allowlist. Audit Trail.

Important notes:

  • The topics covered in training sessions may vary slightly.
  • The “target audience” section only suggests the main groups of users for whom the modules could be useful. In general, we recommend that all active contributors attend all the modules.
  • Some of the features are not available in certain pricing plans. Refer to the ClickHelp Pricing Plans page to check the features included in your subscription.


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How can I sign up for a training session?
What is the cost of a training session?
How many modules can I purchase?

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