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What Is Computer-Aided Translation (CAT)?

Computer-aided translation is a process of translation using the digital device and special technologies implemented in it. But there is a difference between machine translation and computer-aided translation. In the second case, the user translates the text him/herself, but the system may offer the best ways of translation or point at some logical mistakes in the text.

Moreover, computer-aided translation helps to solve problems connected with localization. For that purpose, companies use translation management systems that structure and unify translation according to a particular target market.

What is the purpose of computer-aided translation?

Like any digital technology, a strategy of computer-aided translation is meant to make working processes easier. This type of translation provides it in two ways.

First of all, it makes the translation process faster as the system gives you the best variants of translation and may automatically fulfill the necessary part of the text.

The second advantage is that the tactics of computer-aided translation can notice and inform the user about the mistakes made in the text. It is very important when the translator has to work with huge texts, and some parts can be neglected because of the human factor. This system will be beneficial in such cases.

What are CAT tools?

As it was said before, companies that work with the procedure of computer-aided translation use special translation management systems considered the main tools of translation and localization. Here are the most popular of them:

  • Localise – one of the most important tools of computer-aided translation widely used by such business giants as Starbucks, Revolut, Hyundai, and Mastercard.
  • Pangeanic – a vast translation company with its own CAT system that works all over Europe.
  • Smartcat – a system that allows connecting businesses and translators in a permanent flow that enables them to cooperate at any time.

How does a computer-aided translation tool work?

The CAT tools are programmed as any digital product; thanks to that, they can automatically provide the best variants of translation and solutions for the mistakes made.

These tools are also aimed to work with backup systems so that the files lost can be quickly and easily retrieved.

Features of CAT Tools

Here are the main features that CAT tools may provide:

  • Quality assurance. As was mentioned many times before, the CAT system prevents the user from making logical or linguistical mistakes.
  • Bases of terms. CAT tools possess a great number of dictionaries in any sphere, so there is no problem with proper translation.
  • Word match analysis. A feature that allows testing the translation from the point of grammar, lexicology, and other sides of the language.
  • Predictive typing. One more useful feature that makes the procedure of translation quicker and easier by providing variants of the words meant.
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