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What is Training Documentation?

Training documentation is a type of technical documentation used to provide instructions and manuals for product users. In other words, it is specifically organized documents, the main goal of which is to provide basic skills and experience of using any product or functionality.

As we live in a world of widespread high technologies, it is necessary for people to get prepared (at least basically) for the usage of any devices, programs, and software. For that purpose, training documentation is used, as it is responsible for creating detailed instructions for any digital and non-digital product.

The Main Purpose of Training Documentation

As it was said, training documentation is considered an area of technical documentation aimed at providing basic knowledge and understanding of any product. Through that, the main result of this type of documentation gains its practical use in training manuals . Training manuals are performed as books of different sizes to get acquainted with the subject and basic information.

The Peculiarities of Training Documentation

Creating manuals leads to the necessity of a special way of narration. Two main features of training documentation are:

  • A specific structure is connected with the training documentation being a part of technical documentation, so it obeys particular standards of writing and information providing (for example, going from easier tasks and theory to more difficult).
  • A specific way of writing implies that people reading manuals meet with the subject for the first time, obtain a small amount of knowledge or face problems while working with it. It is preferred for technical documentation of any kind to be written in a rather plain language, avoiding complicated lexis when it is unnecessary.

Training Documentation Benefits

Usage of training manuals is almost ubiquitous among the businesses of any area as they provide several advantages.

  • This kind of documentation allows users to become more familiar with the product, so the process of cooperation with it gets faster.
  • As the manuals are written in a specific way that is friendly to the people.
  • Those who do not understand the subject or understand it superficially help attract new customers from the people who wanted to get into the particular field but were afraid of its complexity.
  • Training documentation, besides the ability of introduction, may be used as a tool of further maintenance of customer’s skills, as a person has an opportunity to refer to the instruction and refresh their knowledge. Moreover, manuals may serve as a basis for further education, and additional information may be built around it.

Sometimes, to understand the benefits, you have to think of the negative consequences that can occur if a company does not have training documentation:

  • Inconsistent training: Without clear documentation outlining the training process and materials, there is a risk of inconsistent training being provided to employees. This can result in gaps in knowledge and skills among employees, leading to decreased productivity and performance.
  • Compliance issues: Many industries have specific training requirements that must be met in order to comply with regulations and maintain a safe working environment. Without proper documentation of training activities, companies may face legal consequences, fines, or reputational damage for not meeting regulatory requirements.
  • Reduced efficiency: Training documentation helps to streamline the training process by providing a structured framework for employees to follow. Without this documentation, training may be more disorganized and time-consuming, leading to decreased efficiency and higher costs for the company.
  • Increased risk of errors: Without clear training documentation, employees may not have the necessary information or resources to perform their job duties effectively. This can result in an increased risk of errors, accidents, and other safety hazards in the workplace.
  • Difficulties in onboarding and succession planning: Training documentation is essential for onboarding new employees and preparing for succession planning within the company. Without this documentation, it can be challenging to effectively onboard new hires or prepare employees for promotions or new roles within the organization.

The lack of training documentation can have significant negative impacts on the company’s operations, employees, and overall success. It is important for companies to prioritize the development and maintenance of training documentation to ensure that employees receive the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their job duties effectively.

Types of Training Documentation

There are several types of technical training documentation that organizations commonly use to support their training programs. Below you will find an overview of the most common types.

User guides. These are the most common type of training documentation used in organizations to provide step-by-step instructions on how to use a product or complete a task. They are typically written in a clear and concise manner, with screenshots or visuals to help illustrate key points. User guides can cover a wide range of topics, from software applications to equipment operation, and are essential for helping users navigate through complex systems or processes. By following the instructions in a user guide, users can quickly learn how to perform tasks effectively and efficiently.

Technical manuals. Technical manuals are comprehensive documents that provide detailed information on the installation, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of a product or system. They are typically used by technical support teams, maintenance personnel, and other individuals who require in-depth knowledge about the product.

User guides and technical manuals are both types of training documentation, but they serve different purposes and target different audiences. User guides are typically focused on providing step-by-step instructions on how to use a product or complete a task. They are written in a more user-friendly language, with the aim of guiding users through the process in a clear and easy-to-understand way.

Technical manuals are more comprehensive and detailed documents that provide in-depth information about the technical aspects of a product or system. They are usually written for a more technical audience, such as engineers, technicians, or developers, and include detailed specifications, schematics, and troubleshooting information. Technical manuals are designed to provide in-depth knowledge about the product or system and are used as a reference guide for technical support or maintenance tasks.

Training materials. Training materials include presentations, handouts, workbooks, and other resources used to support training sessions or workshops. These materials are designed to provide learners with the information and resources they need to successfully complete a training program.

Online help systems. Online help systems are interactive resources that provide users with on-demand assistance and guidance while using a product or system. They typically include FAQs, tutorials, troubleshooting guides, and other resources to help users quickly find the information they need.

Knowledge base articles. Knowledge base articles are online repositories of information that provide answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting tips, and other helpful resources for users. They are often used to provide self-service support to customers and employees.

Online help systems and knowledge base articles serve similar purposes in providing information and assistance to users, but there are some key differences between the two:

  • Format: Online help systems typically consist of a more interactive and dynamic platform where users can search for specific information, browse topics, and access various resources such as FAQs, video tutorials, and live chat support. Knowledge base articles, on the other hand, are typically static documents that provide detailed information on specific topics or issues.
  • Structure: Online help systems are often organized in a hierarchical or branching structure, allowing users to navigate through different levels of information based on their specific needs. Knowledge base articles are typically organized by categories or tags to make it easier for users to find relevant information.
  • Scope: Online help systems may cover a wide range of topics and provide support for various products or services offered by a company. Knowledge base articles, on the other hand, tend to focus on specific topics or issues and provide in-depth information on those subjects.
  • Use case: Online help systems are commonly used for providing immediate assistance and support to users who are seeking help or troubleshooting a problem. Knowledge base articles are often used for reference purposes, providing detailed instructions or information for users who want to learn more about a specific topic or issue.

Overall, while both online help systems and knowledge base articles serve the same purpose of providing information and assistance to users.

Standard operating procedures (SOPs). SOPs are detailed guides that outline the steps and processes for completing specific tasks or activities. They are commonly used in manufacturing, healthcare, and other industries to ensure consistency and compliance with regulations.

In the field of IT, the following examples of SOPs can be given by way of illustration:

  • Incident Response Procedure: This procedure outlines the steps that need to be taken in case of a security incident or any other type of incident that affects IT operations. This includes identifying the incident, containing it, mitigating its impact, and reporting it to relevant stakeholders.
  • Change Management Procedure: This procedure outlines the process for requesting, approving, testing, and implementing changes to IT systems and infrastructure. It helps ensure that changes are made in a controlled and systematic manner to minimize disruptions and maintain system stability.
  • Backup and Recovery Procedure: This procedure outlines the process for regularly backing up data and systems, as well as the steps to be followed in case of data loss or system failure. It includes details on data retention policies, backup schedules, and recovery strategies.
  • User Access Control Procedure: This procedure outlines the process for managing user access to IT systems and resources. It includes steps for creating, modifying, and deactivating user accounts, as well as enforcing password policies and access restrictions.

Overall, technical training documentation plays a critical role in supporting the learning and development of individuals within an organization, as well as ensuring the successful implementation and use of products and systems.

10 Steps to Create Training Documentation

There are several steps to create training documentation. Here are some general guidelines that you can follow:

  1. Identify the purpose of the training documentation. Determine what specific information you need to include and what the desired outcome of the training should be. What are the specific skills or knowledge that you want to convey to the learners?
  2. Organize the content logically. Start by outlining the main topics and subtopics that you want to cover in the training documentation. This will help you organize the material in a logical and structured manner.
  3. Write clear and concise instructions. Use simple language and avoid technical jargon that may confuse the reader. Break down complex tasks into smaller, easy-to-follow steps.
  4. Use visuals to enhance understanding. Include screenshots, diagrams, and other visual aids to help illustrate key points and demonstrate step-by-step processes.
  5. Provide examples and practical exercises. Include sample scenarios or case studies to help reinforce learning and allow trainees to practice applying the information they have learned.
  6. Review and revise the documentation. Ensure that all information is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the training topic. Have someone else review the documentation for clarity and completeness.
  7. Format the documentation in a user-friendly way. Use headings, bullet points, and numbered lists to break up the text and make it easier to navigate. Consider using a consistent layout and design to improve readability.
  8. Test the documentation. Conduct a pilot test of the training materials with a small group of users to identify any errors or areas of confusion. Incorporate feedback from the test group to make any necessary revisions.
  9. Distribute the training documentation. Make the materials accessible to all trainees in a format that is easy to download or print. Consider providing both digital and printed copies for convenience.
  10. Follow up with trainees. After the training session, gather feedback from participants to assess the effectiveness of the documentation and make any necessary improvements for future training sessions.

By following these steps, you can create great training documentation that effectively conveys the necessary information to the target audience.

Create Training Documentation with ClickHelp

ClickHelp is a powerful tool for creating and managing training documentation. With ClickHelp, you can easily create and publish engaging training materials that can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. Creating training documentation with ClickHelp is a simple and straightforward process. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Create a Project

The first step in creating training documentation with ClickHelp is to create a project. To do this, log in to your ClickHelp account and click on the “New Project” button. Enter a name for your project and choose a template that best suits your needs.

Step 2: Add Topics

Once you have created your project, you can start adding topics to your documentation. Topics are the individual sections of your training materials. To add a topic, click on the “New Topic” button and enter a title for your topic. You can then add content to your topic using the built-in editor.

Step 3: Customize Your Documentation

ClickHelp offers a range of customization options to help you create visually appealing training documentation. You can customize the layout, color scheme, and font styles to match your brand. You can also add images, videos, and interactive elements to make your training materials more engaging.

Step 4: Publish Your Documentation

Once you have finished creating your training documentation, you can publish it so that it can be accessed by your audience. ClickHelp offers a range of publishing options, including web publishing and PDF export. You can also set up access restrictions to control who can view your documentation.

Step 5: Monitor Performance

Once your training documentation is published, you can use ClickHelp’s analytics tools to monitor its performance. You can track how many people are accessing your documentation, which topics are most popular, and how much time users are spending on each page. This data can help you identify areas for improvement and make your training materials more effective.

By following the these steps, you can create engaging training materials that will help your audience learn and succeed.


It is important for companies to prioritize the development and maintenance of training documentation as it can greatly benefit the overall efficiency and effectiveness of their workforce. Training documentation serves as a valuable resource for employees to reference when learning new tasks, processes, or procedures. Having well-organized and up-to-date training materials can help to ensure consistent and standardized training across the organization, leading to improved employee performance and productivity. By providing employees with access to comprehensive and easily accessible training materials, companies can cultivate a culture of continuous learning and growth, ultimately leading to higher employee engagement and retention.

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