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Technical Writing Blog

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The End of Printed Manuals

The End of Printed Manuals

They were so nice to have, those printed manuals! But that's it – we have to say good bye to the printed documentation starting today… Today, under the pressure of various environmental organizations all over the world, the G8 international group has signed a document that is very important to the technical writing industry –…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 4/1/2013

Publishing Documentation Online – 18 Billion Reasons To Start

Publishing Documentation Online – 18 Billion Reasons To Start

So many reasons – too many for a bulleted list… And you wonder where this huge number comes from. Let’s find out together. What Those 18 Billion Are? This is the number of search queries people perform on the Internet per month in the US, according to comScore. This includes all major search engines like…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 1/12/2013