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Technical Writing Blog

Grow your technical writing expertise with industry news, best practices, articles, product updates

Top 7 Online Help Authoring Tools

Top 7 Online Help Authoring Tools

Online documentation authoring is tough. And, it’s not getting any easier without the right tools at hand. Documentation is not a single article covering some topic, but a set of articles united in a single system with the use of structure, content presentation, common look, references, and other means. Do technical writers need some special…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 8/9/2017

Technical Writing Tips: The 80/20 Rule

Technical Writing Tips: The 80/20 Rule

Sometimes, you just open a user manual and know that it is bad. It doesn’t look sloppy, it has a lot of material, the hard work of the documentation team can be seen through the lines. And, it is still bad. How did this happen? This, my friends, is an example of a documentation team…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 7/27/2017

How to Write User Documentation and Help Manuals

How to Write User Documentation and Help Manuals

What is user documentation for a company? We know what it is for end users – a place where they can get acquainted with product functionality, get their questions answered and generally find out more about the product. But what is the value of a user manual for a company? Here are some things documentation…

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Posted in Education on 7/26/2017

Best and Geekiest Keyboards for Technical Writers

Best and Geekiest Keyboards for Technical Writers

At the beginning of time, the era of mechanical keyboards started. They were big, heavy, and pretty expensive. And, their clicking sound was deafening like thunder. Then, appeared the Others – the cheap chiclet keyboards. They met in the final battle, and the mechanical keyboards fled the battlefield. Cuz people like things that do not…

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Posted in Technology on 7/21/2017

Guest Blog: TOP 7 Reasons to Create an Online Knowledge Base

Guest Blog: TOP 7 Reasons to Create an Online Knowledge Base

Picture this: You love movies, but you hate driving to the theater. You also hate the loud munchers and the chatterboxes who distract you from the plot. Oh, and there’s that one incredibly tall person who always sits in front of you. So, you decided to turn your living room into a home theater. You…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 6/27/2017

Top 5 Reasons to Outsource Software Documentation Writing

Top 5 Reasons to Outsource Software Documentation Writing

We wanted to start this blog article by explaining the importance of software documentation. But do we really need to do this? Technical documentation is the bridge between you, your customers, and the prosperity of your business. Of course, it is important. There are several ways companies can go to handle their user guides. Some…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 6/26/2017

Guest Blog: How to Report Defects Effectively

Guest Blog: How to Report Defects Effectively

Technical writers are specialists who can explain technically sophisticated things in simple terms, understandable for a specific audience. They know how to write and at the same time understand the engineering and technologies. Technical writers often face software errors which were missed by the testers for some reason. That’s why the ability to create a…

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Posted in Education on 6/16/2017

Top 6 Monospaced Fonts Overview

Top 6 Monospaced Fonts Overview

Monospaced fonts or non-proportional fonts are the ones where any symbol has the same width which is often achieved by adding more empty space before and after a letter or a character. Monospaced fonts always remind us of programming, code, hackers and such. It is no coincidence these fonts are used in application development IDEs….

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Posted in Documentation UX on 5/26/2017

Guest Blog: Git for QA Engineer. Basic Set of Functions

Guest Blog: Git for QA Engineer. Basic Set of Functions

Introduction For the first time I faced such a phenomenon as a version control system during the process of creating my own website. New ideas appeared all the time during the development process, and each new version I had to hold in different folders on the hard disk that soon led me to utter confusion,…

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Posted in Technology on 5/24/2017

Top 6 Case Deflection Techniques

Top 6 Case Deflection Techniques

Technical Support never sleeps. We are lucky to live in this customer oriented world. But for those who make it all happen – support workers – it can be tough at times. Especially, when people need to deal with the same questions from day to day. Yes, support can turn into a sad Groundhog Day…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 4/15/2017