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2018 Worldwide Translation and Technical Communication Conferences

Posted by ClickHelp TeamClickHelp Teamin Technical Communication on 3/26/2018 — 2 minute read

A woman writing

In a constantly changing world we should keep ourselves up-to-date with evolving technology. The more forward-minded you are, the more valuable player you are in the team and an employee on the market. That’s why it is important to constantly expand our knowledge, share your experience and learn from others. Conferences are the best way to do that.

In this post, we’ve gathered all the high-profile events in the spheres of translation, localization and technical communication in the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2018. The following list is sorted according to the dates and months when the events are held. We sincerely hope, that it will come useful!





Now It’s Your Turn

Now you are familiar with the upcoming international events in the fields of translation, localization and technical communication. But it’s always up to you whether you want to use these opportunities and develop as a professional.

Good Luck with your technical writing career!
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