People come to technical writing from various fields and backgrounds. Quite often these people can be connected with other forms of writing. Journalists, bloggers, and others who have mostly dealt with more creative forms of content can feel trapped in the help authoring routine. They feel smothered by the lack of creativity, or, to put…
Continue reading »One of the most basic elements of selling a product is helping consumers understand what the product is. For software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies, this can prove to be an obstacle, as many have complex, technical applications or market themselves to an unfamiliar audience. This is where technical writers come in. Technical writers help SaaS companies develop…
Continue reading »Do you ever feel like not much is going on for you professionally? If you are the only tech writer in a team, or a freelancer you might as well feel a lack of communication with peers. Are you hoping to revolutionize and improve your technical writing processes? Or, maybe, you are just looking for…
Continue reading »Aloha! One of the perks of being a technical writer is the hypothetical possibility of working remotely. Freelance technical writers are not bound by anything and can create content from any place on Earth. You can work and travel at the same time, how awesome is that? Summer is in its zenith and help authoring…
Continue reading »Video content drives modern marketing. It enables you to show the essential stuff in a matter of seconds. All information is thoroughly picked and composed in such a manner that a prospect doesn’t need to look for things themselves. It is all crispy and clear and packed into one video. Videos can add a lot…
Continue reading »If we look up the word ‘checklist’ in a dictionary, we will find something like ‘a to-do list’. So, the first thing that comes to mind is planning. And, rightfully so, the easiest way to use a checklist in technical writing is for planning purposes. We will talk about that and also show you a…
Continue reading »Let’s talk about reviewing technical documentation. This topic is discussed in the techcomm community a lot since it is the cornerstone of a good help writing workflow. Before analyzing approaches to reviewing, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that having a convenient environment tailored to reviewers’ needs is the first step…
Continue reading »The API industry keeps growing, and many companies require software for technical writing that would allow creating more comprehensive API technical documentation. No doubt, you can create API documentation even in plain text, but would it be readable? Modern techcomm specialists are striving for more efficient and user-friendly docs, so, certain requirements exist that a…
Continue reading »Let’s talk about verbs in technical writing. We are using them basically in every sentence, so it makes sense to look closer at this notion. As we all know, technical documentation is meant to be as precise and clear as possible and this can be achieved through the correct usage of verbs, as well. We…
Continue reading »We get used to certain things to the point where we can’t tell whether they are good or bad. It can be hard to evaluate a help authoring tool you have been using for a while as you have gotten accustomed to its features and know the workarounds for when things go south. We have…
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