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Technical Writing Blog

Grow your technical writing expertise with industry news, best practices, articles, product updates

Knowledge Base Articles: Types, Creating, and Examples of KB Articles

Knowledge Base Articles: Types, Creating, and Examples of KB Articles

Our modern world is so submerged in good products that such products don’t guarantee success. Loyal customers, on the other hand, can lend eclat to business. So the first thing to do to make customers happy is to have top-rank customer support. Not just for cases when a customer has troubles with a product but…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 4/13/2022

Technical Writing Manager: Definition, Responsibilities, Job Description

Technical Writing Manager: Definition, Responsibilities, Job Description

Technical writers supporting your business may be high-caliber professionals, but without due supervision and management they will remain just a group of authors each working separately. To make the team really co-operative, a new position, that of a technical writing manager, has to be introduced. What Is a Technical Writing Manager? This is actually a…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 4/6/2022

White Paper: How to Write It and What Is It For?

White Paper: How to Write It and What Is It For?

Imagine a business with a complex product or, rather, a program, a system, or an idea which is hard to grasp at once. The target audience will need time to understand all the details, and it will take marketers quite long to persuade the potential clients to switch to a new product. A white paper…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 3/30/2022

Quick Start Guide: What Is It and How to Write a QSG?

Quick Start Guide: What Is It and How to Write a QSG?

Practice shows that no matter what the product is, its users generally fall into two categories: those who want to get a profound knowledge of the product before using it and those who wish first to start using the product and then learn all the details. People from the first category prefer to carefully read…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 3/23/2022

Good and Bad Technical Documentation Examples

Good and Bad Technical Documentation Examples

Are your user manuals good or bad? Let’s run them through our quick checklist. Don’t get discouraged if it turns out to be not perfect, this article contains a lot of ideas to follow that can change your software documentation for the better! Data Completeness and Accuracy Bad user manuals make customers feel frustrated and…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 3/11/2022

SDK Documentation: What Is It and What Is the Difference Between SDK and API?

SDK Documentation: What Is It and What Is the Difference Between SDK and API?

The present-day virtual reality is a dynamic world whose borders are expanding daily. Its basic features are growth and integration. Growth means more and more software, websites, platforms, and resources. These elements are not isolated. They are involved in the process of constant integration. Integration implies the existence of features that are identical or, at…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 3/9/2022

Troubleshooting Guide: Definition, Importance, and Tips for Creating

Troubleshooting Guide: Definition, Importance, and Tips for Creating

Every business dreams of smooth running every day without interruptions. So that everything worked exactly as it should and there would be no stoppages to the day-to-day functions. But, there comes a time when something will go wrong at some point. And sometimes this requires the employees to solve problems. Most commonly, this is a…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 2/24/2022

Release Notes: Definition, Examples, How to Create Release Notes?

Release Notes: Definition, Examples, How to Create Release Notes?

When we think of release notes, we roll our eyes, remembering a dull side note met without enthusiasm by users. They’re a legal obligation that must be done, but they’re done without too much effort. A little while ago, people used to buy products and software, and there was no evident feedback bridge between developers…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 2/16/2022

What Is Document Indexing and How It Helps to Find Information

What Is Document Indexing and How It Helps to Find Information

Think about a huge user manual. It consists of numerous topics and sections. Each of them may contain any number of pages. What if you need to find a specific piece of content? Are you going to look through all the topics, sections, etc.? I am sure you are not. Either you’ll use a full-text…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 2/2/2022

Technical vs. Academic, Creative, Business, and Literary Writing: What Is the Difference?

Technical vs. Academic, Creative, Business, and Literary Writing: What Is the Difference?

Technical writing is all about the content that focuses on providing detailed and clear information on the product or service. It contains a factual and straightforward message. Technical writers convert complex technical information into useful and easy-to-understand language. You should know that there are different types of technical writing, for example, online tutorials, instruction manuals,…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 1/26/2022