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Free Documentation Tool for Small Teams

Posted by ClickHelp TeamClickHelp Teamin ClickHelp Features on 7/22/2014 — 2 minute read

ClickHelp Free – a no-cost plan of our online documentation tool! With this plan, you can put some of your user manuals online today, at no charge. Start getting noticed on the web with your documentation, it is easy!

Online Documentation Portal for Small Teams

This is going to be a pretty short announcement, since the title says for itself 🙂

The free plan is our way to help small teams and individual technical writers start doing the right thing – putting their user manuals online. It is now easier than ever – you start with a free version, and switch to Premium if you need more resources or need the Premium-only features like exporting to the printed formats. To learn more, click here: ClickHelp Free – documentation is better when it is online.

Online Manuals Authoring for Developers

Are you an individual developer of some cool application or a cool web tool? If this is the case, ClickHelp Free is an ideal solution for you to benefit from simple authoring and public user manuals. You can create documentation quickly, and update it whenever you add another nice feature to your tool. And since your documentation becomes accessible to Google, Bing, Yahoo! and other search engines, you get more exposure on the web – this is so much needed for small projects. Get started today by applying for a free plan of ClickHelp: ClickHelp Free – ideal user documentation solution for small projects and individual developers.

Is Free Version Enough for Real Tasks?

What is a real task in documentation authoring? It is different in different teams. But what is typical when you start is that you have a couple of dozens of help topics, a bunch of screenshots, and a lot of enthusiasm to create cool user documentation right now, without setting up a server or deploying your own HTML-based web site. This is all covered by ClickHelp Free – you can create a real user manual online, publish it on the Internet, register in search engines, and even get the community comments functionality for every help topic. At no cost, with no need for your own server, with minimal setup, and with instant effect – your manuals are available to end-users right after you put your content to ClickHelp Free.

Do you think that getting SEO effect from online documentation is a good example of a real online documentation task? Yes, it is – many companies want this. And you also get this with ClickHelp Free – search engines integration functionality is included to this ClickHelp plan.

Start your Online Documentation Project Today

Yes, today – you don’t need approvals to do what others are only talking about. With ClickHelp Free, you can create an online user manual from scratch in the matter of days, and make the first version of the manual accessible to your clients next week. Sounds cool, isn’t it? Get started today, there is no time to wait: ClickHelp Free – free online documentation portal, it’s ready today.

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Happy Technical Writing!
ClickHelp Team

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