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Technical Writing Blog

Grow your technical writing expertise with industry news, best practices, articles, product updates

Customer Experience and Technical Writing

Customer Experience and Technical Writing

Technical writers are no strangers to user experience struggles. Moreover, there’s a separate position in many companies for so-called UX writers. They focus on communication with clients through written content and creating the best user experience. We also look closely into UX when searching for the perfect software for technical writers. This coin has actually…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 6/11/2019

Localization Support in Help Authoring Tools

Localization Support in Help Authoring Tools

Technical writing software needs to be able to address many things. Help authoring processes are complex and unique for every company, so HATs have to be universal. One of the serious issues for help authoring tools is dealing with different languages. This problem doesn’t limit itself to just translation, but we’ll talk about this, too….

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Posted in Technical Writing on 6/7/2019

World Environment Day and Technical Documentation

World Environment Day and Technical Documentation

On this blog, we are talking a lot about technical writing, all aspects of it: tech writing skills, techcomm career paths, salaries of technical writers, types of technical documentation, what it takes to deliver good user manuals, etc. And, all this is interesting as hell, and as soon as one gets involved in the techcomm…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 6/5/2019

Single Sign-On for Dummies

Single Sign-On for Dummies

Single sign-on is a buzzword, and it has been in the computer-based industries for a while now. But, what is the exact mechanism behind single sign-on? Why do we trust it so much? There are a lot of questions around this topic, and this is completely understandable – anyone would have questions when their sensitive…

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Posted in Education on 5/31/2019

Top 11 Technical Writing Tools

Top 11 Technical Writing Tools

Technical writers use a lot of supplementary tools, not just technical writing software. Some of those are complex and expensive, others are much cheaper and nonetheless manage to do their job just fine. Further you will find the top technical writing tools techcomm specialists all over the world choose to aid them in help authoring….

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Posted in Technical Writing on 5/28/2019

Technical Documentation Branding – What for?

Technical Documentation Branding – What for?

Documentation branding – a lot of people are doing it, but few know why it is such a necessity. In this post, we will touch upon the main goals of documentation branding and also equip you with the right tool to style your docs in an efficient manner. Why Branding Your Technical Documentation is Good…

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Posted in ClickHelp Features on 5/24/2019

Top Ergonomic Devices for Technical Writers

Top Ergonomic Devices for Technical Writers

Today we are going to talk about a very important topic – how technical writers can create an efficient and healthy work environment at the same time. Most techies love brand new hardware. But, is this fancy keyboard good for you in the long run? How many hours can you stare into this monitor until…

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Posted in Technology on 5/21/2019

Web Help: Pros and Cons

Web Help: Pros and Cons

Online documentation was a very logical next step for technical writing. The Internet has become so easily accessible that looking up something online seems like a natural part of our lives. So, storing documentation online is not only a matter of convenience; by now, it has become common sense. Help authoring tools like ClickHelp allow…

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Posted in ClickHelp Features on 5/17/2019

Unique Selling Points of ClickHelp

Unique Selling Points of ClickHelp

We have been developing our help authoring tool, ClickHelp, for quite some time now. It has been a long journey of learning to prioritize things, to listen to feedback and apply it. Different workflows require different functionality, so we have been learning how to balance out our technical writing tool and make it more flexible….

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Posted in ClickHelp Features on 5/14/2019

New Promising Industries for Tech Writers

New Promising Industries for Tech Writers

Nothing is steady in our world. Some things fall back, others evolve. If we take a look at technical writing from this perspective, we can see that this field is developing and growing, the future of technical writers is looking good. We already mentioned in this blog a lot of spheres that employ technical writers….

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Posted in TechComm Career Path on 5/7/2019