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Technical Writing Blog

Grow your technical writing expertise with industry news, best practices, articles, product updates

How to Create Sales Documentation

How to Create Sales Documentation

The selling process is often regarded as art, as sales depend greatly on the talent some salespeople have (and some don’t). You may call it charisma, charm, magnetism, or personal attractiveness. Whatever it is, there is something irrational in the sales process that cannot be explained. This is partly because selling is primarily based on…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 3/22/2023

What Is a Market Requirements Document?

What Is a Market Requirements Document?

Your ‘ideal product concept’ may be ‘not so ideal’ after the product launch. This is often the case when you get negative feedback from customers. The features they get turn out to be not the best solutions for their problems. They may solve them but partly or, in the worst case, be useless. This situation…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 3/15/2023

How to Announce New Features Efficiently

How to Announce New Features Efficiently

In our volatile world, updates of many SaaS products happen too often sometimes. It can be every month or two weeks, daily, or even several times each day. New features are added to online platforms, and it can be hard for users to keep track of everything. That’s why it is important to make announcements…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 2/1/2023

How to Create an Ebook?

How to Create an Ebook?

It is not necessarily fiction that you are going to write. It can be anything from your collection of posts in the travel blog to cooking experiments. Every experience deserves to be shared. However, when it comes to publishing, authors are often discouraged by the price of paperback copies. It is usually here that the…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 1/25/2023

How to Create a Proposal Style Guide?

How to Create a Proposal Style Guide?

A commercial proposal is a document you need to start a relationship with a new client. It contains the most relevant information about your company and business, describes the advantages of cooperation you offer for the potential client, and says in what way you are different from your competitors. In your business practice, you will…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 1/18/2023

What Is a Product Requirements Document (PRD)?

What Is a Product Requirements Document (PRD)?

A software application can be a good solution for developing and mature business. It can attract new buyers, enlarge the target market, and bring more profit. However, these goals can be attained only if your app can be used easily, almost intuitively. Surely, you have come across many mobile applications that can get you stuck…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 1/4/2023

7 New Year’s Resolutions for Technical Writers

7 New Year’s Resolutions for Technical Writers

2022 is coming to an end, and you may start thinking about all the goals you intend to achieve in the new year ahead. If you’re a technical writer, your New Year’s resolutions perhaps include some things related to technical communication, education, and professional software. But sometimes, it’s hard to define your goals. So here…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 12/28/2022

Tech Trends 2023

Tech Trends 2023

Technology is evolving at a fast rate, empowering change and progress. And it means you need to keep your eyes on the future to know which skills you’ll need to stay the much-wanted professional. So let’s see what emerging technologies you should watch for and make an attempt at in 2023 and possibly secure one…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 12/21/2022

Information Products: Definition, Types, Examples

Information Products: Definition, Types, Examples

Today, we live, communicate, and learn in an information space. Moreover, we trade in this space, and it is now normal to speak of knowledge monetization and information products. In the long run, the latter may materialize, for example, become real books sold in hard copies – this may happen when your information product becomes…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 11/23/2022

Outsourcing in Technical Writing: Pros and Cons

Outsourcing in Technical Writing: Pros and Cons

Any company owner would like their business to be self-contained. This means a fully balanced process using human, financial and material resources of its own. Such a company would have one great advantage – it would be fully independent of external factors, like procurement, staffing, creation of intellectual property, etc., or these factors would be…

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Posted in Technical Writing on 11/9/2022