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Technical Writing Blog

Grow your technical writing expertise with industry news, best practices, articles, product updates

Back Up Your Data Day

Back Up Your Data Day

‘Who owns the information, he owns the world’ is a famous quote that has never been more accurate than now. Humanity depends on data. And, the questions of how and where to store it and who to trust are the burning ones. Losing important data is the worst that can happen. The simple truth that…

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Posted in Technology on 3/31/2020

How SaaS will Save Your Future

How SaaS will Save Your Future

Companies all over the globe are sending employees to work from home. Even when this wasn’t an option before. This is an unexpected turn of events for many businesses. But, also, we are now more prepared for remote working than ever before, thanks to SaaS. SaaS means ‘software-as-a-service’. So, clients don’t need to install anything…

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Posted in Technology on 3/27/2020

Google Translator Toolkit to be Shut Down

Google Translator Toolkit to be Shut Down

There’s a joke about Google projects that people learn about only when their shutdown is announced. And we wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t hear about a tool called Google Translator Toolkit. It was never trendy and remained a niche tool. With time, the number of users must have declined even more, and this is…

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Posted in Technology on 11/27/2019

Will User Manuals Survive Haptic Interfaces?

Will User Manuals Survive Haptic Interfaces?

People love theorizing about what lies ahead. That’s one of the qualities that pushed human evolution forward according to some studies on chimps behavior. The Cognitive Tradeoff hypothesis states that we traded our short term memory for other features like complex social communication skills (aka languages) and more abstract thinking, kind of thinking ahead rather…

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Posted in Technology on 9/10/2019

Technical Documentation and Open Source

Technical Documentation and Open Source

People love open source software. Firstly, the code is open, so it feels more secure to work with a product once you’ve seen its insides. Secondly, you can measure your own worth by trying to contribute. And, thirdly, open source provides fertile soil for online communities, and being a part of them can be a…

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Posted in Technology on 7/30/2019

Top 10 Devices for Traveling Freelance Tech Writers

Top 10 Devices for Traveling Freelance Tech Writers

Aloha! One of the perks of being a technical writer is the hypothetical possibility of working remotely. Freelance technical writers are not bound by anything and can create content from any place on Earth. You can work and travel at the same time, how awesome is that? Summer is in its zenith and help authoring…

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Posted in Technology on 7/9/2019

Top Ergonomic Devices for Technical Writers

Top Ergonomic Devices for Technical Writers

Today we are going to talk about a very important topic – how technical writers can create an efficient and healthy work environment at the same time. Most techies love brand new hardware. But, is this fancy keyboard good for you in the long run? How many hours can you stare into this monitor until…

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Posted in Technology on 5/21/2019

AI, Chatbots, and Content in Technical Writing

AI, Chatbots, and Content in Technical Writing

How is emerging technology affecting technical writers, and should they be concerned at this point about their jobs? Let’s try to answer these questions in this blog post. Why Robots are Better Than People Now, we are experiencing a new wave of the opinion shift on AI, neural networks and how they fit into our…

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Posted in Technology on 11/16/2018

Why You Should Care About HTTPS

Why You Should Care About HTTPS

Some people have serious trust issues when it comes to storing data online. Especially, this is true for those who store documentation there. And, news about hackers stealing data appears quite often, sadly. Nobody wants their private data to leak. Even if the only harm this would bring is some mild embarrassment. But what if…

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Posted in Technology on 9/4/2018

Microsoft Buys Coding Platform GitHub for $7.5 Billion

Microsoft Buys Coding Platform GitHub for $7.5 Billion

Source: GitHub Blog Microsoft has announced that it will buy GitHub. The deal will be done for $7.5 billion. What is GitHub? Why are people concerned about this? Why did Microsoft decide to buy GitHub? This article will help you to find answers to all these questions. About GitHub The logo of GitHub GitHub is…

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Posted in Technology on 6/7/2018